- 2010 TOUR: BERLIN -

  Hitchhiking from Brussels. Slight mistake on the exit of the highway where to land, two hours thumb in the wind, change of direction, and here I am Berlin!
I advise you, to understand my pain, to look at a road map of the Dortmund region... and also, if you want to understand my dismay, to understand my position when a nice Turkish driver dropped me off, with his trailer, to a back of beyond about sixty kilometers from the desired location.
It was there that a German, dashing fifty, picked me up to drop me off in the right place to hitchhike, offer me the right map, all that allowing me to meet the right Polish driver to drive me straight to Berlin.
There I stayed three days with a Frenchman and his German girlfriend. Three days is a bit short, you'll tell me... But the unexpected departure of the nice couple on Sunday evening precipitated me earlier than expected back on the road. In the street actually, where I met Anna, who kindly offered to host me for the last evening in the German capital.
The evening of which I speak in the report, spent in a bunker and under a tree with a Berlin stranger and a monarchic singer... Well I'm repeating myself but that is really the kind of moments that makes a trip.
To conclude, ladies and gentlemen, I inform you that a new report is coming, about Prague and the hordes of travelers who populate the roads of Europe. With as a bonus an improbable American poet!


  1. sehr schön ;)

    i like your video and you pronounce the words pretty clear, so even i (with my limited french) can understand a lot.

    happy and safe travels from berlin!!!

    cs netterkumpel

  2. Bonjour Monsieur! Les spectateurs polonaises a votre service! I think U have this skill to extract from what U see the most significant & in the same time uncommon elements. Partly by knowledge, but partly by heart. And dono how but have the impression U have some magic powers to be in the right place and time. Sooo, though I am addicted to Ur speaking french sesese I find much more in this shot ;) let's say a kind of international, patterned, mixed & a bit anarchic charm. And as I have the same feelings about Berlin, but cannot turn it into the movie medium, chapeau bas ;)

  3. partly by knoledge and partly by heart. That's the way I like to travel. To see the both and manage your trip with, I wish you good luck and succes.
    Go as far you can!

  4. Hey, thank you Anonymous ! Glad to know that my words are understadable (despite the fact that it was recorded in an quite noisy Prague's youth hostel, héhé)

    Merci à la spectatrice polonaise aussi:) Glad to see that you also find your own view of the city in this movie.

  5. And I'll do my best Hans, don't worry about that!

  6. Is there anymore information you can give on this subject. It answers a lot of my questions but there is still more info I need. I will drop you an email if I can find it. Never mind I will just use the contact form. Hopefully you can help me further.

    - Robson
