- 2010 TOUR: KRAKOW -

  Krakow! I already came here two years ago, during my little winter tour.
I spent five days there, as a normal tourist. This time I decided to stay with locals. And it allowed me to see the city in a completely different way. There is no denying that when you are in a hostel with a Ryanair shipment, it is not the same as with natives. Couchsurfing helping, I found the very nice Anka, who showed me around the city and introduced me to her friends.
Thanks to her. Thanks twice. It allowed me to spend ten perfect days with Polish people. You will meet them in this report.
A double thank also to the "crazy guides" and their splendid Trabants, who made me discover Nowa Huta in the most beautiful way!
Well, enjoy your visit to this beautiful city and see you soon in Ukraine!


  1. So, nice movie! I love the part with the trabant and nowa huta:)

  2. Hell yeah, glass and capitalism:)))

  3. et paf! it's daaaammnnn good! I think U've found here the perfect balance between what seriousness & laugh. Also the main idea is strongly visible & it organizes the whole reportage which U build up consequently till the end. I mean this triple character of Krakow: tradition, modernity & comunism. And what I like here is Ur interference into the image with all these arrows, measures on the one hand & framing + using music (love Ur intuition about it hehe) on the other. Carmina Burana & the trabant theme: great choose sesese.
    Hmm, one thing extra: this moment when Mateusz is talking about knowing right people in Krakow: these two enigmatic figures maundering behind him? Are they the right ones? ;)

  4. Oh.. i come from Poland! I think, u should come to wroclaw, not to krakow... wroclaw is more beautiful!

  5. Héhéhé... Sorry dude, next time!
