Let's go for a new ride!!! After a far too long absence, I'm back tripping! I left my apartment in Toulouse and stored all my belongings in a barn three days ago, tears in my eye but the heart warmed: sadness to leave a place and joy to go to other ones… The small map that you can see just to the right is a summary of the route that I hope to achieve, and which may makes me busy 'til September: Paris, Brussels, Berlin, Krakow, Kiev, Sevastopol, Tbilisi, Ankara, Istanbul, Skopje, Guča, Belgrade, Sarajevo and finally Ljubljana.
You will notice on the map three small question marks. This is because you never know, and that at one time or another the desire could take me to go play the journalist in Belarus, the pilgrim in Jerusalem or the zealous backpacker by never leaving the road! After all, I have nothing holding me back from doing it; not even keys in the pocket. I just have my camera in my bag, and a real desire to use it to share my meetings and my discoveries as regularly as possible. Obviously, with a logistic close to zero and all the difficulties that will be linked to movie cutting and exports, it will surely be difficult... But I believe in it! And you will have roughly every week a ten-minute film about the cities I pass through, their true faces and their inhabitants. See you soon for the film about Paris!
Have a nice trip;)